Thursday, January 1, 2009

Gone Snowboarding

I had a blast snowboarding at my Dad's Parents House. I hit a jump for the second time in my life. I had once before when the jump was bigger. The snow melted and it was just coming back. I had my cousin Amanda with me as well as my brother Logan. Amanda's Blog is And Logan's is They are both looking for some visits, so it would be really nice of my viewers to check out their blogs. Anyway, The trip was even more fun because I gave my cousin Amanda a chance to ride a snowboard for one of the first times in her life. She was a natural. I couldn't belive she could do something on the second try that took me 2 years to learn. And Logan was the one who could really make to sled go on and on forever. The place we went to is on a lake, and Logan almost fell in he went so far. All I can do is occasionally hit a jump. Anyway, the trip was a lot of fun and I am looking forward to doing it again!


SoCk mONkEy QuEeN said...

Yes that was really fun, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been able to snowboard.

I love you

Big Monkey said...

What about S'morey? Did he get a chance to snowboard too?